Sunday, September 29, 2013

Plank-Based Cardio Workout

There is no denying that planks might be one of the best overall body toning exercises! Using different variations, it will literally hit every muscle group and as a bonus, gives an extra punch to those core muscles! This is a plank-based cardio routine that will help strengthen all muscle groups, while getting that heart-rate up to burn calories with some cardio moves.

I try and do each plank for 1 minute and cardio exercises for 30 sec.

The Moves:

Low Plank

Reverse Plank with a Leg Lift

High Knees

Butt Kicks

Side Plank with Crunch Right
Side Plank with Crunch Left

High Plank Jacks

Low Plank Jacks

Single Leg Hop


Alternating Plank Oblique Twist

Table Top Lift

Reverse Table Top with Right Leg Crunch
Reverse Table Top with Left Leg Crunch

 (couldn't find a picture, but  reverse the table top and bring your right elbow in to your left knee, then left elbow in to your right knee)

Jumping Jacks

Mountain Climbers

 Alternating Plank Donkey Kicks

Up and Down Plank



Low Plank

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